Monday, October 4, 2010

Pole Barn Continued...

This log started out 34" in diameter.
We had to cut off the outside with the chainsaw to use the Alaskan saw Mill to make the beam.

Terry ready to work.

Tim ready to supervise!

Terry working the saw. First cut off the top of the log.

The dog is the best helper!
She loves to go down to the mill and dig and play.
She doesn't look too depressed!

5 1/2"x 12"x 22' beam

It takes a long time to make this beam with the Alaskan saw mill but no other way to do it.

Reaching for the top!

Beautiful day to work!

Pulleys to ease the load.

Terry putting in the eye bolt for the pulley.

Finished with the framing.
Next on to the roofing and hopefully done before winter sets in.

1 comment:

  1. hi tim! wow, this is SO exciting- and yes, you were right- this is definitely something we are interested in- i wish we were there to help y'all- well, barry could help with the actual work, and maybe connie & i could start working on some future house/decorating plans?!!!!!
